mberry: Capital
mberry: Church portico
mberry: On the banks of the Arno
mberry: Ponte Vecchio
mberry: Ponte Vecchio
mberry: The banks of the Arno
mberry: Spring
mberry: Summer
mberry: Autumn
mberry: Winter
mberry: Lion\'s head, Palazzo Pitti
mberry: Reredos
mberry: Virgin and Child
mberry: Annunciation
mberry: Virgin and child
mberry: Crucifixion
mberry: Antique market, Piazza Santo Spirito, Florence
mberry: Santo Spirito, Florence
mberry: Santo Spirito, Florence
mberry: Florence buildings
mberry: The English Church, Florence
mberry: From the Uffizi
mberry: Fra Angeleco's Annunciation, San Marco
mberry: Gaddi's fresco, Santa Croce
mberry: Florence from San Miniato al Monte
mberry: Borgo Santa Apostoli, Florence
mberry: Laboratorio di Lorenzo
mberry: Galileo's house, Costa di San Giorgio, Florence
mberry: Fresco, Porta San Giorgio
mberry: St George, Porta San Giorgio