Michael Beresin: LA homeless
Michael Beresin: LA preening
Michael Beresin: People of Venice Beach
Michael Beresin: Venice Beach skateboarding
Michael Beresin: Venice Beach skateboarding
Michael Beresin: This way, that way
Michael Beresin: Baby on board
Michael Beresin: People of Venice beach
Michael Beresin: Hollywood sign view
Michael Beresin: Masked man
Michael Beresin: People of Venice Beach
Michael Beresin: Stretching
Michael Beresin: A man and his dog
Michael Beresin: Going surfing
Michael Beresin: Walking the line
Michael Beresin: Glass corridor
Michael Beresin: Bunny rabbit
Michael Beresin: Menacing
Michael Beresin: People of Venice Beach
Michael Beresin: People of Venice Beach
Michael Beresin: Graffiti artist
Michael Beresin: LA crossing
Michael Beresin: LA crossing
Michael Beresin: In between
Michael Beresin: People of Venice beach