mbalame99: view to the north - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Seacliff meadows - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Common Murre egg - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Pigeon Guillemot - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Pelagic Cormorants - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Pelagic Cormorants - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Pelagic Cormorants - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Bald Eagle - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Sidalcea hirtipes - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Sidalcea hirtipes - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Iris tenax - 6/21/2012
mbalame99: Iris tenax - 6/21/2012
mbalame99: Castilleja litoralis - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Castilleja litoralis - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Castilleja litoralis - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Castilleja litoralis - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Castilleja litoralis - 6/24/2012
mbalame99: Allium cernuum - 6/24/2012