andzer: ..zapped me, right between the eyes..
Maverick: As I Reminisce...
Gutemberg Ostemberg: Luzes de Recife
virgiliomulas.: ISOLA di CARLOFORTE.
Nasir Iftikhar: welcome back, mother
***irene***: Brooklyn Botanical Garden...
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Dreaming of Lily..!!
Hydraheerd (Aly Bolhuis): ''.......wonderful beauty''
MattSinclair: Lynwood Country Club
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Do I need a shave..?
Denis Collette...!!!: ... on the Wild River Beach...!!! :)
***irene***: Honolulu Zoo - Oahu - Hawaii
~Kim's Picture Gallery~: Be who you say you are... and say what you feel.. because those that matter, don't mind ... and those that mind, don't matter!
k-o-ji: N.maxima-dark x aristolochioides
Gartenzauber: Fuchsie
JRIDLEY1: Osprey In Flight!
Mirror_Lake: Popular cutie
ichiro kishimi: rotation of seasons ...
Property#1: Speckled
gwilmore: Cactus blossoms
Loren Zemlicka: 2009 Challenge 104/365 - Tattoo
holgeruweschmitt: NEBEL IM FRÜHLING
DELLipo™: Symmetry #3 :HDR:
yong ..mal.( Off for work in jungle.在森林中: Lovely............................
©Helminadia Ranford: I wish I could walk through the door of my mind