Azam Alwi: “Hold your grasp of the earth before the earth, stand the earth before you tread the earth, then grab this life before you entered the bowels of the earth”
Azam Alwi: Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Azam Alwi: "We do not know how tomorrow, all we can do is to do our best and be happy today"
Azam Alwi: spruce meadow jade dragon snow mountain
Azam Alwi: Blue Lake
Azam Alwi: Jinsha River
Azam Alwi: Sight up to hereafter affairs and sight down to the affairs of your world, then life will be peaceful.
Azam Alwi: Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Azam Alwi: Lanyue Lake, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Azam Alwi: Yunshanping Cableway
Azam Alwi: Flying Mountain Goats
Azam Alwi: Yunshanping Cableway
Azam Alwi: Hiker
Azam Alwi: move on
Azam Alwi: Tea Horse Guesthouse Tiger Leaping Gorge
Azam Alwi: Maybe this trip will take you to the danger, loneliness and fatigue. But this trip is also able to take you to the stunning natural beauty.
Azam Alwi: The truth is, most of us discover where we are headed when we arrive...