maystone1: Abandoned house with graffiti
maystone1: Church Windows
maystone1: Barn in Drayton, ON
maystone1: Day 20 sunrise
maystone1: Organ pipes
maystone1: Flag
maystone1: Church balcony
maystone1: Cape May, NJ
maystone1: Dawn with a full moon
maystone1: Day 57 - Happiness
maystone1: Barn reflected
maystone1: Day 89 - War mural
maystone1: Day 99 - Tower
maystone1: Day 100 - Ramshackle
maystone1: Old house
maystone1: New barn gate
maystone1: Day 122 - Barn ladders
maystone1: Day 154 - Kitchener skyline
maystone1: Day 174 - New barn
maystone1: Day 174 - Full view
maystone1: Arches
maystone1: Arches and Frame
maystone1: Day 249-Morning haze
maystone1: Day 256-Shed
maystone1: Full moon over the paddock_2993
maystone1: Window_008
maystone1: Day 288-Vertical lines
maystone1: Day 313-Wall painting
maystone1: Day 314-Listowel
maystone1: Abandoned building_0002