Mayrie: Hanging On
Mayrie: Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal
Mayrie: Mr. Cardinal eating with Friends
Mayrie: Snowy Dinner Time
Mayrie: Waiting Finches
Mayrie: Pheasant in Hiding
Mayrie: Crows in Flight
Mayrie: My Favorite Perch
Mayrie: Finches Hogging the Feeder
Mayrie: Majestic Cardinal
Mayrie: Where's the Suet?
Mayrie: Guess I'll Eat Sunflower Seeds!
Mayrie: Let's Lunch at Mayrie's
Mayrie: Mrs. Cardinal
Mayrie: Mr. Red Bird
Mayrie: Crows are back in town
Mayrie: Crows as Look Outs
Mayrie: Red Bellied Woodpecker
Mayrie: Mrs. Cardinal & Finch
Mayrie: Cardinal & Finch
Mayrie: Wren
Mayrie: Female Cardinal
Mayrie: Mrs. R. Bird
Mayrie: Cardinal & Finch
Mayrie: Snowy Afternoon
Mayrie: Mood photo of Red Bird
Mayrie: Mourning Doves in the Snow
Mayrie: Carolina Wren in the Snow
Mayrie: Cardinal
Mayrie: Flight Preparation