mayor_of_clutch0625: bills Shichirigahama
mayor_of_clutch0625: bills Shichirigahama
mayor_of_clutch0625: bills Shichirigahama
mayor_of_clutch0625: bills Shichirigahama
mayor_of_clutch0625: Mt. Fuji from Shichirigahama
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Garden of Zuisenji Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Personal garden of Kamakura
mayor_of_clutch0625: Hasedera Temple
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Berrick Hall
mayor_of_clutch0625: Rose Garden Enoki-Tei
mayor_of_clutch0625: Rose Garden Enoki-Tei
mayor_of_clutch0625: @港の見える丘公園
mayor_of_clutch0625: Ryosuke,Mai : 2012 YOKOHAMA STAR NIGHT
mayor_of_clutch0625: Ryosuke,Mai : 2012 YOKOHAMA STAR NIGHT
mayor_of_clutch0625: Ryosuke,Mai : 2012 YOKOHAMA STAR NIGHT
mayor_of_clutch0625: 2012 YOKOHAMA STAR NIGHT
mayor_of_clutch0625: Chihiro,Takahiro,Mai