Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Chapel
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Chapel
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Decorative entrance doors to the Chapel
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Decorative entrance doors to the Chapel
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Brightly Coloured Chapel with the bronze inscription "Into thy hands O lord"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - A fitting memorial ceiling inside the Chapel
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Wall Charts Showing Aircraft and Shipping movements
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - Those buried in this cemetery lost their lives in the skies over the British Isles, and in preparation for battles to be fought on the continent, or were evacuated here after the invasion.
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: "Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial"
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone
Bootnecks: Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial - The Statues consist of a soldier, airman, sailor, and Coast Guardsman. The Tablet of the missing is inscribed on a 427 - foot long wall of Portland stone