Bootnecks: Birling Gap National Trust
Bootnecks: Birling Gap looking to Seaford Head in the Distance
Bootnecks: Coastguard Cottages Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Surfing New Year's Day - Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Surfing New Year's Day - Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Surfing New Year's Day - Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling National Trust Cafe and Toilets
Bootnecks: Birling Gap National Trust
Bootnecks: Birling Gap National Trust Cafe repaired
Bootnecks: Coastguard Building Birling Gap
Bootnecks: South Downs Way
Bootnecks: Heading towards Belle Tout from Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Looking back at Birling Gap - History of Wreckers and Smugglers
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap Coastguard Cottage being demolished to protect the remainder.
Bootnecks: Demolition of end cottage before it falls into sea, and to protect the others.
Bootnecks: After demolition of end cottage Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap after end cottage has been demolished.
Bootnecks: Above Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap steps repaired after storms
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap East Sussex
Bootnecks: Birling Gap visitors to beach after steps mended.
Bootnecks: Birling Gap