Bootnecks: Cattle Grid Junction ahead South Hill Barn Car Park
Bootnecks: Straight on to South Hill Barn taking in the views to the right and occasionally looking back
Bootnecks: On the right view of Cuckmere Valley
Bootnecks: Looking back towards Seven Sisters
Bootnecks: View of Sheep and Birds in Cuckmere Valley
Bootnecks: South Hill Barn and Car Park
Bootnecks: Local Nature Reserve Seaford Head
Bootnecks: Road Access to South Hill Barn
Bootnecks: Chynton Way Seaford East Sussex
Bootnecks: Access Road to South Hill Barn Seaford - Looking towards Chyngton Farm
Bootnecks: South Hill Barn - Car Park
Bootnecks: IMGP1070
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Bootnecks: IMGP1091