May Institute: Stanley and that amazing smile of his!
May Institute: No one loves cats more than Stanley.
May Institute: Pure joy when Stanley gets "cat time."
May Institute: Stanley's new room, on the Cape, even has a big mural of Cape Cod for those days he stays in.
May Institute: Stanley learned that art is a great form of personal expression. And themes of cats and Cape Cod are often his subjects.
May Institute: Beautiful!
May Institute: Creative layering shows Stanley's keen sense of balance and storytelling.
May Institute: Having returned to Cape Cod, Stanley reunites with an old friend and May staff, Michelle.
May Institute: Another big prize for moving back to the Cape is rejoining Kelly Grace, who has known him for over 20 years!
May Institute: Stanley's sister loves buying him funny t-shirts - and he loves wearing them.
May Institute: Sister Bonnie and Stanley in 1973.
May Institute: Stanley is on the right, hanging out with his buddy.
May Institute: A very handsome Stanley as a young man.
May Institute: Stanley with his arm around a good friend. Stanley has always been highly social and loves collecting friends.
May Institute: On the far left, Stanley having a meal and celebrating with his siblings in 2014.
May Institute: This sweet video is Stanley before retiring, drawing a picture of Cape Cod. He never lets go of this dream.
May Institute: This is Stanley's finished art of his beloved Cape Cod, Mass.
May Institute: On Stanley's last day, before retiring to the Cape, his Day Habilitation program in Raynham, Mass., threw him a big party. He requested to have a banner and a retirement cake.
May Institute: And wow is that a retirement cake!
May Institute: Here is Stanley as he receives his retirement cake. And for all the joy of retiring and moving to Cape Cod, Stanely is also leaving many good friends behind. He is lucky to have his sister Bonnie, who helps him keep in touch with friends from around Massa
May Institute: Nothing can take the shine away from Stanley's joy!
May Institute: The time has come, and the moving company is busy getting Stanley's possessions into the moving truck.
May Institute: Stanley comes into his retirement home, for the first time. And they were ready with the camera to welcome him to his new home.
May Institute: Stanley home with the residential staff!
May Institute: Here's Stanley and Will at his retirement program.
May Institute: At his new place, he has more friends than he can count. This is his new friend who likes to be called Bruce Wayne.
May Institute: From left to right: Hayleigh Avila, Annemarie Grey, Stanley, and Kayla Mercier who are all residential staff at his new home.
May Institute: Stanley celebrates Halloween in his favorite cat costume! Meow!
May Institute: Say hello to Bruce Wayne, Annemarie Grey, Stanley and Kelly Grace.
May Institute: Stanley loves getting his picture taken with his new friend Bruce Wayne. And you might notice his t-shirt is titled Shark Faces, reminding him of his all time favorite movie, Jaws.