May Institute: Students used warm and cool colors to make the painting pop!
May Institute: The mural was a team effort amongst students AND staff!
May Institute: Here's a close up of some abstract strokes!
May Institute: Every student personalized their own triangle.
May Institute: Here is Peter, adding his unique touch!
May Institute: All of the patterns and textures give the mural depth!
May Institute: Students looked outside of the box when it came to applying paint!
May Institute: Vibrant colors attract eyes from all who walk by!
May Institute: Good thing they used smocks!
May Institute: Ta-Da! What a colorful masterpiece!
May Institute: The finished product has become a landmark in the town of Randolph!
May Institute: Thank you to our creative vocational students who contributed!
May Institute: And thank you to Turner Free Library, for helping us create a lasting memory for these May Center School Randolph students.