May Institute: It all started with a basket to collect Valentine's Cards as they care created.
May Institute: Andrew spent a great deal of time picking the exact elements for the cards he designed.
May Institute: Chris made this beautiful card as one of his contributions to Valentine's Day≥
May Institute: The Valentine's cards began to pile up.
May Institute: There are cards for each individual at May's Raynham DayHab.
May Institute: Finally we had to expand our collecting of homemade cards in these mailboxes.
May Institute: Jake really enjoyed making cards for his friends at Raynham.
May Institute: Some of the cards are funny, some romantic and some are clever.
May Institute: We don't know what to do without you either!
May Institute: There was plenty of love to go around.
May Institute: Jake works on another one of his special cards.
May Institute: And love is in the air.
May Institute: Tara & Scott work on a tricky addition to his homemade card.
May Institute: Arthur was thrilled to pack up one of his cards and drop it in the mailbox.
May Institute: Each of these mailboxes is full before being delivered to May's Raynham DayHab.
May Institute: They did such a great job.
May Institute: And Molly has really said it here.
May Institute: The mailboxes themselves began to pile up - filled with Valentine's Day goodness.
May Institute: And special thanks, Valentine’s Day supplies and decorations donated by Ashley Pina, an Assistant Program Coordinator for the Cape Cod Southeastern Mass division, and her family. We do have consent to mention her name! Let’s be sure to thank her.
May Institute: And more donated goodies to help with the crafting of the cards.
May Institute: It was a wonderful and thoughtful thing to provide all of these decorations and goodies!
May Institute: Valentine’s Day supplies and decorations donated by Ashley Pina, an Assistant Program Coordinator for the Cape Cod Southeastern Mass division, and her family. We do have consent to mention her name! Let’s be sure to thank her.