May Institute: Look how carefully this student holds the bundled bunny. She is being so very careful.
May Institute: What do you think this potbellied pig feel like?
May Institute: Sometimes being adored can be a bit overwelming.
May Institute: And how often do you meet and snuggle a diapered baby goat? Time for a selfie!
May Institute: Look at these tiny fluff balls.
May Institute: A beautiful quiet moment with this tiny bunny.
May Institute: And these dogs just love having visitors.
May Institute: Sometimes just looking is enough.
May Institute: Our students really appreciated having this new adventure.
May Institute: Another sweet moment.
May Institute: It's fun to watch the kids and how they interact, or simply observe.
May Institute: Does this diaper make my butt look big?
May Institute: The pups are a big hit.
May Institute: Spiderman seems to want to have a conversation.