May Institute: We even have Ice Cream Truck music!
May Institute: Heather Maxim, Director of Residential Services and ice cream truck artist!
May Institute: We made the van into the menu as well!
May Institute: And we have more than enough choices to make everyone happy.
May Institute: Staff are prepared to receive orders and build amazing sundaes!
May Institute: Corey and Justin read the Ice cream truck menu before ordering.
May Institute: Brandon wants more toppings, what else can I have?
May Institute: Thomas loves sprinkles on his ice cream!
May Institute: Sarah is exploring all the possible sundae toppings.
May Institute: George could hardly wait to start eating his sundae.
May Institute: Chocolate syrup on that?
May Institute: Jessica piles her bowl with ice cream and whipped cream on top. Yum.
May Institute: Frederick showing off his sundae, with whipped cream and sprinkles.