May Institute: Start! Special Olympics @mayinstitute
May Institute: Alan Anselmi, M.S., Adapted Physical Education Instructor, opens Special Olympics 2019 in Randolph, MA. IMG_0014*
May Institute: Thank you to the Randolph Police Department for helping us throughout the day and providing a cruiser for the athletes to explore. IMG_9997*
May Institute: Thank you to the Randolph Fire Department for helping us throughout the day and providing a Rescue Vehicle for the athletes to explore. IMG_9998*
May Institute: A May Student & family with the Special Olympics Oath. "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.". IMG_0017*
May Institute: Throughout the day the staff (in pink shirts) can be seen supporting the athletes. IMG_0003*
May Institute: Can you imagine giving care to more than 150 student athletes across six events and activities. IMG_0013*
May Institute: It was a beautiful day. IMG_0023*
May Institute: *BC TENT AND AWNINGS -IMG_1072 sot
May Institute: The Randolph, MA Fire Department provided a fire hose for the student athletes to try. IMG_0027*
May Institute: The Football Toss event is always popular. IMG_0043cr*
May Institute: Even the younger student athletes can participate - here is the Football Toss. IMG_0044cr*
May Institute: Try it again! IMG_0046cr*
May Institute: Some are shy when they enter the event area. IMG_0047cr*
May Institute: Student Athletes climb into and out of the Randolph Fire Department Rescue Squad vehicle. What fun! IMG_0051*
May Institute: The Rescue Squad vehicle is a big hit. IMG_0057*
May Institute: _ RANDOLPH CAFE IMG_1081 SOT
May Institute: We appreciate the families come and support their children through all the events. IMG_0059cr*
May Institute: A teacher and student taking a moment. IMG_0062*
May Institute: We have more families participate each year. IMG_0069*
May Institute: Sometimes you just need to sit in the shade and cool down. IMG_0075*
May Institute: Another Student Athlete tries controlling a fire hose. IMG_0076*
May Institute: Running the fire hose is great fun. IMG_0080*
May Institute: So many beautiful faces. IMG_0084cr*
May Institute: Big Thank you to Risk Strategies for both volunteering and cheering. IMG_1086
May Institute: It's true for many children, particularly children with autism that jumping rope is very challenging. It takes a great deal of coordination that many on the spectrum must learn. Getting started. IMG_0087*
May Institute: Jump roping is a great accomplishment. IMG_0089*
May Institute: Great job to this student athlete for jump roping. IMG_0091*
May Institute: Student sits in the Rescue vehicle. IMG_0092*
May Institute: Dad is having a great day his son. IMG_0093*