May Institute: Kevin uncovering the feast of side dishes staff have provided. IMG_3828
May Institute: Piles of fresh grilled beef and turkey burgers, beef and turkey dogs. And still covered is perfectly grilled corn on the cob! IMG_3826
May Institute: Big thanks to Jace, Brian and John for their grilling prowess. IMG_3815
May Institute: And of course, Brian mugs for the camera! IMG_3822
May Institute: Even at the beginning the line is long and well worth the wait. IMG_3836
May Institute: The line backs into the building, and the tables are filling up quickly. IMG_3843
May Institute: Brian keep bombing photos today - even to get into the cooler full of cold water. IMG_3832
May Institute: It was a perfect day, cloudy, cool breeze and no rain - would not have wished for more. IMG_3849
May Institute: Departments tend to sit together, so one has to visit each table to catch up on the really great gossip. IMG_3866
May Institute: Lauren making her way through the throng of staff. IMG_3868
May Institute: More kudos to the cooks! IMG_3812
May Institute: Say hello to many of the finance staff. IMG_3838
May Institute: Laura in front looking hungry - they better speed up the line. IMG_3839
May Institute: Notice the giant Jenga tower in the back. Wanna play? IMG_3841
May Institute: l-r Juanita, Dean, Anayzja, Julia and Mike "the Menace" - they were great fun! IMG_3873
May Institute: Thank you to May@ 14 Pacella Park for sharing your amazing backyard and giving us such a beautiful place for the BBQ. IMG_3853