May Institute: Dr. Ralph Sperry Presents in China.
May Institute: Dr. Ralph Sperry has a full schedule as he attends meetings, speaks with groups and is interviewed on local TV.
May Institute: Dr. Ralph Sperry posing with the leadership of the Shenzhen Woman’s and Children’s Hospital ranked first in China. They want our help to develop early intervention center and training in ABA.
May Institute: Dr. Ralph Sperry with the Vice Chairman of the Country-wide Disability Foundation.
May Institute: Dr. Sperry poses with students.
May Institute: Dr. Sperry presents to a large audience about the National Autism Center's National Standards Project.
May Institute: We are so honored to be invited back to China and to continue to work with colleagues and friends.
May Institute: There is a great interest and need to provide autism treatment throughout China. And the number of providers and clinicians that attend trainings is impressive.