May Institute: But can you catch the water? IMG_2676
May Institute: The splashpad turns off every 10 minutes and gives everyone a reprieve. IMG_2902
May Institute: The frog turns to splash anyone nearby. IMG_3030
May Institute: Best day ever. IMG_2586
May Institute: Better than a day at the beach! IMG_2574
May Institute: A perfect moment. IMG_2712
May Institute: We waited 30 minutes for him to look at the camera for a picture! #worthit IMG_2894
May Institute: May Center School's Preschool students played in the SplashPad! IMG_2560
May Institute: Standing under the big frog at the entrance provides plenty of water to cool down. IMG_2635
May Institute: How wet can we get? IMG_2802
May Institute: Sometimes you just need a quiet moment with a friend. IMG_2633
May Institute: Joy! IMG_2790
May Institute: Every so often, the kids would scream and scatter in all directions! IMG_2576
May Institute: Some of the kids were as fascinated with the water running towards the drain as the water flying through the air. :) IMG_2569
May Institute: The frog is even better than the grape Popsicle I had earlier! IMG_2565
May Institute: Dripping is more fun than you know! IMG_2725
May Institute: The laughter rang through the playground during our adventures. IMG_2709
May Institute: This little one pulled the cap down low and waded in. IMG_2666
May Institute: Lynne, look at me, down here! IMG_2823
May Institute: Run! IMG_2564
May Institute: Brother and sister run through together. IMG_2799
May Institute: IMG_2829
May Institute: Water water everywhere! IMG_2568
May Institute: A final celebration of this new play space. IMG_3145
May Institute: Who turned off the water?! Grrrr. IMG_2989
May Institute: Splash splash indeed. IMG_2622
May Institute: Delight. IMG_2776
May Institute: And then wipe it way and venture in again. IMG_2764
May Institute: A common response is to stand and close one's eyes and simply feel the water rain down. Delicious! IMG_2659
May Institute: May Center School for Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Randolph, Mass. Opened its SplashPad! Yes, it is a giant frog. IMG_2697