May Institute: Vestibule - today the caution tape came down and we have a fully built new school.
May Institute: Entry to Reception.
May Institute: This is an interior hallway lined with new staff offices.
May Institute: Jaimie March is pointing to her office, which she loves.
May Institute: Welcome to Exec. Director Jaimie March's office!
May Institute: Welcome to Jessica's new office.
May Institute: Welcome to Veronica's new office.
May Institute: The floors are all in place - cleaned and polished. Thank you Cliff & Darrell!
May Institute: Entrance to our new library.
May Institute: We have an onsite storage room - what a beautiful thing.
May Institute: The large kitchen is located next to the cafeteria and has beautiful cabinets.
May Institute: This is our big beautiful cafeteria.
May Institute: We have 2 dedicated Vocational Training rooms.
May Institute: The gymnasium is complete with high ceilings and plenty of room for basketball. The door goes out to the walkway to the playground.
May Institute: The windows are uncovered in the classrooms so you can get a sense of the light available.
May Institute: Jessica in her new office - doing the happy arm wave.
May Institute: Another spacious classroom.
May Institute: The hallways are complete with wiring, new ceiling and lights. In the next few weeks these halls will be lined with art as well.
May Institute: Many of the classrooms have bathrooms.
May Institute: This is classroom 7's new bathroom.
May Institute: Jaimie March giving the thumbs up to all the finishing work throughout the new school.
May Institute: We can't wait to show you the classrooms when the new furniture is moved in.
May Institute: This is the other Vocational room.
May Institute: Part of the large nurses office.