May Institute: Volunteer Recognition Certificate
May Institute: Will works through the late season plants to find the best tomatoes.
May Institute: It was a wet day but that did not slow the students of May Center School for Brain Injury.
May Institute: Will writes about his experience at the farm.
May Institute: Sharing the Harvest Community Farm
May Institute: Patrick shows off a giant tomato he picked, with Jesse Wang busy picking to his left.
May Institute: The students worked hard for hours to glean as much produce as possible to feed the community.
May Institute: Angelo has his own thoughts about harvesting for others.
May Institute: Brockton School for Brain Injury's own Jesse Wang, the Transitional Education Manager.
May Institute: Staff and students worked in cooperation throughout the day.
May Institute: Michael says "I learned how to work as a team" - one of many lessons for the day.
May Institute: Gleaning bucket after bucket of tomatoes.
May Institute: The goal was 18 buckets full, which they achieved!
May Institute: Declan moves the heavy collection buckets through the rows.
May Institute: Declan talks about his experience.
May Institute: The gang and their piles of tomatoes!
May Institute: Volunteer Recognition Letter