May Institute: Blue Cross Blue Shield volunteers for Service Day 2018
May Institute: Mike Halperin, Director of Training getting our morning started
May Institute: Our great volunteers learning about our mission
May Institute: Okay team…Let’s get started!
May Institute: The team has jumped right into painting
May Institute: First coat of paint goes on the hallway outside the classrooms
May Institute: Can’t forget to do the edging, thank you Debra
May Institute: Rebecca sorting and arranging the many tiles
May Institute: Blue Crew leader, Cara, jumps right into the art project while Cindy talks strategy
May Institute: Brittany and Shannon adding adhesive to mount the tiles
May Institute: These tiles were hand painted by individuals at our Raynham Day Hab
May Institute: The tile crew posing with a masterpiece
May Institute: Look at the amazing artwork arranged by our volunteers that is ready to be hung
May Institute: Another small sample of the great artwork by our individuals
May Institute: Sorting & organizing the new library
May Institute: Cara stopped by to see Ana and Lisa
May Institute: Ralph checking on the progress in the library
May Institute: Set-up of the NEW library is done!
May Institute: Lindsay taking a minute from work to smile!
May Institute: Yeswanth diligently working on the second coat of paint
May Institute: After standing all morning sitting outside for lunch is a great choice
May Institute: Swinging into a relaxing lunch
May Institute: Time to take a break and eat
May Institute: Michael & Derek two of the leaders of our fabulous volunteers
May Institute: Another group getting comfy while enjoying lunch outside
May Institute: Program Director Karrie presenting Michael the handmade thank you gifts from the program
May Institute: Erin, Assistant Director helping thank the volunteers and giving them their gifts
May Institute: The Blue Crew checking out their personal gifts from the program
May Institute: Lunch has ended, and painting resumes
May Institute: Designing sensory boards is a lot of work