May Institute: 23 Women of Influence are honored at the December 2015 event.
May Institute: We are very proud of Dr. Solotar, May's President and CEO, for being selected for this prestigious award!
May Institute: Dr. Lauren C. Solotar, President and CEO of May Institute
May Institute: Just moments before the winners and guest enter the hall.
May Institute: This breakfast awards ceremony was complete with breakfast and Girl Scout Cookies.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar laughs with Steve Young, Chairman of May Institute's Board or Trustees.
May Institute: Dr. Lauren C. Solotar, President and CEO of May Institute, honored as one of the 2015 Women of Influence by the Boston Business Journal.
May Institute: May Institute Board of Trustee members Mary Lou Maloney, Neal Todrys, and Jocelyn Frederick.
May Institute: Nancy Nager (L) with Martha Sloan Felch, both members of the May Board of Trustees.
May Institute: Dr. Lauren Solotar surrounded by family and friends.
May Institute: Board member Mary Lou Maloney enjoying the company.
May Institute: Kevin More, Jerry Hand, and Daniel Navisky, from May Institute's executive leadership team.
May Institute: James Casetta, President and CEO of Work Inc., with Nancy Nager, May Institute Trustee
May Institute: A happy crowd.
May Institute: As Lauren is introduced.
May Institute: BBJ profile of Dr. Solotar, "Hope Springs Eternal"
May Institute: 5.1 IMG_2065
May Institute: Dr. Solotar speaks upon receiving her award.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar with Deb Blair, CFO of May Institute, and Stephen Young, Board Chair.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar (center) with Board Members Mary Lou Maloney and Jocelyn Frederick.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar with Dr. Deidre Donaldson, Chief Clinical Officer at May Institute.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar and family.