May Institute: The program for the awards ceremony.
May Institute: Elisa DeOlim
May Institute: Elisa DeOlim and Leanne Augusta who nominated Elisa.
May Institute: Samuel Karanja
May Institute: Samuel Karanja, recommended by Elizabeth Irungu.
May Institute: Francois Tovar
May Institute: l-r: Ann Oskam recommended Francois Tovar, and Kari Robertson Program Coordinator.
May Institute: Francois Tovar and Kari Robertson, Program Coordinator
May Institute: Liz Scott
May Institute: Liz Scott with Drew Warren, Assistant Director who recommended her for this award.
May Institute: Nick Wagner
May Institute: Amanda Austin
May Institute: Elizabeth Segal
May Institute: Paul Heering
May Institute: l-r: The Family of Kevin Jones, accepting his award posthumously, with Eric Lunden (far right) who nominated him.
May Institute: Dr. Lauren C. Solotar, President and CEO of May Institute opens the ceremony with a few remarks.
May Institute: Eric Lunden, VP of May Center for Adult Services, Western Mass., talks about Kevin Jones for the award that is being presented posthumously.
May Institute: Kevin Jones' daughter.
May Institute: Kevin Jones' daughter shares a few thoughts.
May Institute: Award to Kevin Jones, presented posthumously.
May Institute: Kevin's family found the award ceremony for him moving. We are honored that they came to celebrate Kevin's work with May.
May Institute: Staff from across the agency attended to celebrate all the awardees.
May Institute: l-r: Theresa Masselli supervisor, Jennifer Silber, Clinical Director, May Center School for Brain Injury and Related Disorders introduces Amanda Austin for her award.
May Institute: Clinical Director Jen Silber and awardee Amanda Austin share a moment.
May Institute: Dr. Solotar and Steve Young, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, congratulate Amanda Austin.
May Institute: l-r: Dr. Lauren Solotar President/CEO, Steve Young Chairperson of the Board, Amanda Austin awardee.
May Institute: Leanne Augusta recommended and introduces Elisa DeOlim, far right is supervisor Doug Robertson.
May Institute: Steve Young Chairperson of the Board presents Elisa DeOlim with her plaque.
May Institute: l-r: Dr. Lauren Solotar President/CEO, Steve Young Chairperson of the Board, Elisa DeOlim awardee.
May Institute: Dr. Robert Putnam, Executive Vice President, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports introduces awardee Paul Heering.