mayhem: Laurent Haug
mayhem: Rolf Heuer
mayhem: The NeXT that Tim Berners Lee created the Web on
mayhem: Ben Segal
mayhem: Brickley, Scott, Berners Lee
mayhem: Jean François Groff
mayhem: Web@20 Logo
mayhem: Robert Cailliau
mayhem: Jean François Groff
mayhem: Ben Segal
mayhem: Tim Berners Lee gesticulating
mayhem: Demo of initial web version
mayhem: Stop blocking my view!
mayhem: Tim Berners Lee
mayhem: Tom Scott
mayhem: Dan Brickley
mayhem: MusicBrainz as one of the early linked data sets
mayhem: Tom Scott
mayhem: BBC URL with MBID
mayhem: Dan Brickley
mayhem: Stephane Boyera
mayhem: Snacks