KT Bell: The Crowd
KT Bell: The Scooter Brigade
KT Bell: Young joy
KT Bell: My makeshift tripod
KT Bell: Here comes the year of the Ox!
KT Bell: Bull! no... Ox.
KT Bell: The Ring Of Fire
KT Bell: A roar-ing success
KT Bell: Tiger stare
KT Bell: Bright Rabbit
KT Bell: Wascilly Wabbit
KT Bell: Dragon a-light!
KT Bell: Fire!
KT Bell: Hmmmm...
KT Bell: Crazy lookin light up
KT Bell: Seahorse?
KT Bell: Pre-seeeeent Fans!
KT Bell: Slithering in
KT Bell: Snake sees green
KT Bell: Grinning Snake
KT Bell: Snake
KT Bell: The Other Red Army
KT Bell: Smoke and Mirrors
KT Bell: Menacing encounter
KT Bell: Good wishes
KT Bell: I see red I see red i see red!
KT Bell: Horsing Around
KT Bell: Watch your Back
KT Bell: Sea of Green
KT Bell: A Fan-ciful affair