KT Bell: The gang
KT Bell: Clevege in reverse
KT Bell: No really, please look at Sihtrics clevege
KT Bell: Karra has legs!
KT Bell: A new family
KT Bell: Alessandra
KT Bell: we couldn't resist, a team effort
KT Bell: What's with us n wax?
KT Bell: We created a crazy little candle man...
KT Bell: Xavier
KT Bell: Bridal table
KT Bell: The Doorway
KT Bell: Camhor KT and Bel
KT Bell: KT and Bel
KT Bell: Miss Tig
KT Bell: What else do you do at a reception?
KT Bell: Clevege
KT Bell: KT and Mrs Egan
KT Bell: Bel, KT and Jas
KT Bell: Bel, KT and Jas
KT Bell: Leather pants...
KT Bell: The arse grab as required by the leather pants
KT Bell: Advice? Nah, probably just chin wagging
KT Bell: I'm so clever I balanced butterfly shells on my nose.
KT Bell: Bonnie and Tig
KT Bell: Bonnie and Tig... rings n hat n things