Maya HK - More off:
Feuerwerk der Blumenwelt * Fireworks of nature * Los fuegos artificiales de la naturaleza * . P1220104-001
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Geissblatt (Lonicera heckrottii) Goldflamme * . P1290476-001
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Hafen Hamburg * Hamburg harbour * Puerto de Hamburgo * . DSC_1778-001
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Mandelblüte * Almond blossom * Flor de almendra * (Makro/Macro) . _DSC4307-001
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Wer warf den Handschuh ??? * Who threw the glove ??? * . DSC_0715-001
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Löwenmäulchen mit Holzbiene * Snapdragons with carpenter bee * Antirrihinum con abeja carpintera . DSC_7301-003
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Kreatives Gesicht * Creative face * Creativa de la cara * . DSC_1776-001
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Mariendistel (Silybum marianum) . _DSC7352-001
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Spezielle Perspektive * Special perspective * Perspectiva especial * . _DSC7085-001
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Anflug auf Barcelona im Abendlicht * Approaching Barcelona in the evening light * Acercarse a Barcelona con la luz del atardecer * . P1370637-001
Maya HK - More off:
As time goes by ... sie hat so wunderschön geduftet .. ;) Con el paso del tiempo .. . P1400994-001
Maya HK - More off:
Palmlilie (Yucca) Samenkapseln, vernetzt * Yucca seed capsules, networked * Cápsulas de semillas de yuca, enlazado en red * . P1290419
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Kunstwerk der Natur * Nature is wonderful * Naturaleza es fantastico * . _DSC7898-001 (2)
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Enzianstrauch (Lycianthes rantonnetii, syn. Solanum rantonnetii), Blüte DSC_6724-001
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Softy .. :))) . _DSC7083-001
Maya HK - More off:
Pink is in * Kinder-Dreirad * Children Tricycle * Triciclo para niños * . DSC_7126-002
Maya HK - More off:
Fenster & Pink * Windows & Pink * Ventanas y Rosa * . DSC_4227