Maya HK - More off: Kein Witz * No joke * No es ninguna broma * (In Explore) . IMG-20240703
Maya HK - More off: Meine Wünsche findet ihr in der Bildbeschreibung * You can find my wishes in the picture description * Encontraréis mis deseos en la descripción de la foto * IN EXPLORE 😊 * . P1510257
Maya HK - More off: Winter auf der Baldegg, Baden, Schweiz * Winter at Baldegg, Baden, Switzerland * Invierno en el Baldegg, Baden, Suiza * In Explore * . SAM 20231202 RM
Maya HK - More off: Müller - mein Problemhund * Mueller - my problem dog * Mueller - mi perro problemático * Many thanks for Explore * . _DSC4260
Maya HK - More off: Was für ein Gelage .. ;))) Aber es hat Spass gemacht !!! * What a binge ... ;))) But it was fun !!! * Menudo atracón ... ;))) ¡¡¡Pero fue divertido !!! * In Explore - thank you so much ;))) . P1500013-001
Maya HK - More off: Miesmuscheln (Mytilidae) im Dampf mit Cava * Blue mussels (Mytilidae) in steam with Cava * Mejillones (Mytilidae) al vapor con Cava * Explored 12.09.2023 * . P1500010
Maya HK - More off: Libelle * Dragonfly * Libélulas * Explore * Blutrote Heidelibelle (Sympetrum sanguineum) . _DSC4238
Maya HK - More off: Bergstrukturen * Mountain structures * Estructuras montañosas * In Explore 🌼 * . DSC_6402-001
Maya HK - More off: Drei Freunde * Three friends * Tres amigos * In Explore 🌼 . _DSC3850
Maya HK - More off: Geschafft * Made it * Lo hemos hecho * Lobivia longispina (Echinopsis longispina) * In Explore - Thank you * . _DSC3726
Maya HK - More off: Hallo Freunde * Hello friends * Hola amigos * In Explore * . _DSC3512
Maya HK - More off: Heissgeliebter Salbei * Hot loved sage * Salvia de amor caliente * Salbei (Salvia officinalis ssp. Major) * In Explore 💖 . _DSC3285
Maya HK - More off: Sanftes Frühlingsgrün * Soft spring green * Verde suave de primavera * Explored 💖 * . P1490134-001
Maya HK - More off: Aloe-Knospen im Gegenlicht * Aloe buds in the backlight * Brotes de aloe a contraluz * In Explore 🌼 . P1480591-001
Maya HK - More off: Gut getarnt * Well camouflaged * Bien camuflado * In Explore 🐌 . P1480353-001
Maya HK - More off: Blütenpracht in Gelb * Magnificence in yellow * Esplendor en amarillo * Silber-Akazie (Acacia dealbata) Falsche Mimose, duftend/fragrant/fragante* Explored 🌷 . P1470955-001
Maya HK - More off: Meine Abwesenheit * My absence * Mi ausencia * In Explore 💖 . DSC_7846-001
Maya HK - More off: Eindeutig Winter * Definitely winter time * Definitivamente es invierno * In Explore 💖 . P1470706-001
Maya HK - More off: Spuren des Sommers * Traces of summer * Rastros del verano * Exlored * . P1470645-001
Maya HK - More off: Sanft hat Kraft * Gentle has power * El gentil tiene energía * In Explore 💖 * . P1130087
Maya HK - More off: Für Rollstühle und Stöckelschuhe ungeeignet * Not suitable for wheelchairs and high heels * No apto para sillas de ruedas y tacones altos * Thanks for Explore 💖 . DSC_2623-001
Maya HK - More off: Innenleben einer Mariendistel (Silybum marianum) * Inner life of a milk thistle (Silybum marianum) * La vida interior de un cardo mariano (Silybum marianum) * In Explore 💖 * . _DSC1942-001
Maya HK - More off: Not macht erfinderisch * Necessity is the mother of invention * La necesidad es la madre de la invención * In explore 💖 . DSC_200407 1
Maya HK - More off: Vergiss nicht, dass du Lachen kannst * Remember that you can laugh * Recuerda que puedes reírte * In Explore 💖 . _DSC1519-001
Maya HK - More off: Wir sind in unserem neuen Zuhause * We are in our new home * Estamos en nuestro nuevo hogar * Many thanks for Explore 💖 . P1450693-001
Maya HK - More off: Lumi im Backofen * Lumi in the oven * Lumi en el horno * Thanks for explore 💖 . P1440125-001
Maya HK - More off: Sanfter Schlaf im Dornenbett * Soft sleep in a bed of thorns * Duerme suavemente en una cama de espinas * Explored ♥ . _DSC0255-001
Maya HK - More off: Lächelt er? * Is he smiling? * ¿Está sonriendo? * In Explore 💖 Thank you. . _DSC1802-001
Maya HK - More off: Winter im Süden Spaniens * Winter in the south of Spain * Invierno en el sur de España * In Explore ♥ * . _DSC1319-001
Maya HK - More off: Einfach so - Danke * Just like that - Thank you * Así de fácil - Gracias * Explored - Thank you ♥ . _DSC1608-001