maya_m: super cool birthday sunglasses from work
maya_m: beads - the decor of choice by residents in the marigny
maya_m: building in the marigny
maya_m: contemplating the destruction
maya_m: destruction
maya_m: destruction
maya_m: vikram, getting excited
maya_m: crawfish and crabs and corn!
maya_m: tree beach
maya_m: beach
maya_m: My 4sq should know that Hollywood Fried Chicken is obviously my first snack place.
maya_m: Some tough guys in NOLA
maya_m: Addicted to Cheesy Potatoes!
maya_m: Something at the bioluminesce exihibit at the Natural History Museum
maya_m: Ceiling at Porta in Asbury Park
maya_m: neon in nature
maya_m: Our sleeping porch.
maya_m: Last night of drinks and dinner by the fireplace.
maya_m: tiny house!
maya_m: vikram on our hike
maya_m: the summit of our hike
maya_m: mossy carpet
maya_m: the view from the sleeping porch
maya_m: teeny tiny kitchen.
maya_m: in the frigid water
maya_m: The view of our cottage from the beach
maya_m: Beautiful photo of my mom
maya_m: My hair is long
maya_m: Popbar - west village
maya_m: Was not prepared for yesterday's rain.