maya_m: barrel tasting at del dotto
maya_m: barrel tasting at del dotto
maya_m: barrel tasting at del dotto
maya_m: vines at pride winery
maya_m: pride winery
maya_m: vines at pride winery
maya_m: wine dogs
maya_m: vikram @ pride
maya_m: vines
maya_m: barrels at pride
maya_m: IMG_1531
maya_m: rose
maya_m: IMG_1536
maya_m: another tasting.
maya_m: rough.
maya_m: my restaurant
maya_m: vintage books
maya_m: sparkling wine tasting
maya_m: crazy air plant wall at our hotel
maya_m: aliens!
maya_m: my first in n out!
maya_m: elphant seal
maya_m: total eclipse
maya_m: us
maya_m: pt reyes
maya_m: insert your own jaws music
maya_m: snugs
maya_m: being weird
maya_m: the trees are at an extreme angle from the crazy winds
maya_m: leaning w/ the trees