Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Chiffchaff in the bush
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Eurasian Collared Dove - 66
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Blue Rock Thrush at Boca do Rio - 66
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: In the buff ! - 67
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Ringed Plover - 70
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Short-Toed Eagle-72
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Fan Tailed Warbler (Zitting Cisticola)
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Sandwich Tern monochrome-76
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Orange and Pineapple juice .... gone
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Dartford Warbler-2
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: 10+ 1 pretty flamingoes-a in the Rio Formosa
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Carapatieria kite surfer-2
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: 3 generations on the beach
Maxwell Law Photography LRPS: Lunch in Pedralva