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Town's old quarter | Bari | Puglia - Italy
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No one comes here?
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Woman holding branch
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Fontana Pretoria in Palermo, Sicily
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Town's old quarter, Kosice - Slovakia
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Great Church
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Old house wall in downtown
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Doorway, Debrecen - Hungary
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Cube foliage trees
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33 TFF - Torino Film Festival
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Beginning of autumn
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Indian summer
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Palermo, Sicily
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The Homless, Palermo - Sicily
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HUNGUEST Hotel Nagyerdő
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Piazza Pretoria, Palermo - Sicily
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Foro Italico l Palermo l Sicily
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Kalsa - Palermo's Arab Quarter, Sicily
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Kalsa - Palermo's Arab Quarter
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Appuntamento con il giardino inglese/rendezvous with the English garden
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Kalsa - Palermo's Arab Quarter
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An autumn day, Debrecen - Hungary
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Great Church stands in the background
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Hungarian Revolution Anniversary
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Reformed Lesser Church, Debrecen - Hungary