maxst001: Great Evening with A.
maxst001: Meeting Friends
maxst001: Season Opening
maxst001: Photobuddies Meetup
maxst001: New Running Shoes
maxst001: Breakfast on the Balcony
maxst001: Future Snack
maxst001: Finally: The Crisps
maxst001: Picking up Our Daughter
maxst001: Dinner with N.
maxst001: Sweet Potato Chips - Take 2
maxst001: Hair Trimmer Repair
maxst001: Glass Lamp
maxst001: Bills, Bills, Bills
maxst001: Meeting S. for Dinner
maxst001: Say "Cheese!"
maxst001: Two Dwarfs Sitting
maxst001: E. Is Her Own Boss Now
maxst001: Traditional Easter Mass
maxst001: Lunch at My Mum's
maxst001: Traditional Easter Meal at my Brother-in-Law
maxst001: RADAR SSIWS
maxst001: Salad
maxst001: Technobabble Galore
maxst001: Meeting P. and M.
maxst001: Rain
maxst001: Chocolate Rabbit
maxst001: Lunch with M., R. (and M.)
maxst001: New Shirts
maxst001: Something to Learn, Something to Store