Maxotics: Celia
Maxotics: Then My Life Began
Maxotics: DSC03362_ThelmaAndFriends
Maxotics: DSC03405_DavisSquareMusiciansLife
Maxotics: Glum
Maxotics: DieselBacklight
Maxotics: The Burren Into The Sun
Maxotics: Waiting
Maxotics: Autumn Music
Maxotics: Michael
Maxotics: JamesOnLine
Maxotics: Head Down
Maxotics: James Sigma DP1M
Maxotics: Jen RE Topcor 3.5cm
Maxotics: Jen RE Topcor 10.0cm
Maxotics: Someones Back Yard Project
Maxotics: Cat 23 Chester Street
Maxotics: First Photo with Ricoh GR
Maxotics: McMath Park Cambridge, MA