maximumfunkage: Family after my cousin did his coming of age ceremony
maximumfunkage: My aunt and cousin that looks like Zac Efron (sp)
maximumfunkage: more family
maximumfunkage: yay grandma time
maximumfunkage: My mom taking pictures of damn flowers again
maximumfunkage: my mom rules.
maximumfunkage: sede and brian's baby shower
maximumfunkage: shower + joy
maximumfunkage: Sede opening gifts
maximumfunkage: My 51 year old Uncle is now a father for the first time, rule.
maximumfunkage: More present opening
maximumfunkage: Aw grandma
maximumfunkage: which one is more cute? the teddy or my aunt sede?
maximumfunkage: She is just so gosh darn cute!
maximumfunkage: Ian on memorial day weekend
maximumfunkage: The Lake
maximumfunkage: Sede and Grandma and brother
maximumfunkage: My brother and his "driving face"
maximumfunkage: Ian rocking to Gaines.
maximumfunkage: My Grandmother's hand on my leg
maximumfunkage: High Five Apollo!