Maxime Guilbot: RubyConf China starting
Maxime Guilbot: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Maxime Guilbot: Richard - From Java to Ruby
Maxime Guilbot: Aaron Qian
Maxime Guilbot: RubyConf China folks
Maxime Guilbot: Sheryl and Maggie
Maxime Guilbot: Richard talking about Design Patterns
Maxime Guilbot: Yukihiro Matsumoto talking at RubyConf China
Maxime Guilbot: Why Ruby? by Yukihiro Matsumoto
Maxime Guilbot: Koz Matsumitsu
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime and Maggie trying to setup the projector
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime talking
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime talking
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime trying to convince people to contribute to open-source software
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime and the chickens
Maxime Guilbot: Aaron and Stone
Maxime Guilbot: Songkai and Rainux
Maxime Guilbot: Koz Masumitsu talking at RubyConf China
Maxime Guilbot: Rainux
Maxime Guilbot: Yukihiro Matsumoto and Koz Masumitsu
Maxime Guilbot: Q&A Panel
Maxime Guilbot: RubyConf China Q&A
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime and Richard
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime trying to answer a question
Maxime Guilbot: Maxime talking about whatever
Maxime Guilbot: Yukihiro Matsumoto and Aaron Qian
Maxime Guilbot: Yukihiro Matsumoto and the Ekohe Team