maximalideal: car and desert
maximalideal: shoulders
maximalideal: roberto's for lunch
maximalideal: quench
maximalideal: spectators
maximalideal: superscout
maximalideal: Alex posing with sign
maximalideal: desert landscape
maximalideal: mary
maximalideal: ashes at the tree
maximalideal: photo op
maximalideal: ava and the wind
maximalideal: susan looking and thinking
maximalideal: sun on the rock
maximalideal: sideways sarah
maximalideal: 3 crouching
maximalideal: slant
maximalideal: exploring the desert
maximalideal: climmbing the rock
maximalideal: dustin and the world
maximalideal: father daughter
maximalideal: yucca and rock
maximalideal: descent
maximalideal: through the hole
maximalideal: there's a snake
maximalideal: back up
maximalideal: long sessie takes a pic
maximalideal: on the ledge