maximalideal: arty sorted trash
maximalideal: orchids dangle
maximalideal: tree and roof detail
maximalideal: sarah and the stairs
maximalideal: us on weird stairs
maximalideal: weird stairs
maximalideal: piles
maximalideal: something's not straight
maximalideal: teacups
maximalideal: windows, teacups, and a person
maximalideal: windows, teacups, and a person
maximalideal: variations
maximalideal: variations (vertical)
maximalideal: levels of water
maximalideal: pink and yellow
maximalideal: vases
maximalideal: window with a view
maximalideal: repose
maximalideal: tapétes en ventanas
maximalideal: at the top
maximalideal: zig zag and a view
maximalideal: pink and yellow from below
maximalideal: pink streaks
maximalideal: Jose Zorrilla Trapaca
maximalideal: map of Centro de las Artes San Agustín
maximalideal: visitors on the stairs
maximalideal: there's a bathroom down there
maximalideal: policía en la ventana
maximalideal: white church and tree
maximalideal: graffiti around the corner