maximalideal: Mathematicians return
maximalideal: again, the shot I should have taken
maximalideal: shades of spikey
maximalideal: my grandfather would have been proud
maximalideal: water from a rock
maximalideal: just like at home
maximalideal: Jeremy and the Sensual ^ Form (detail)
maximalideal: Jeremy and the Sensual ^ Form
maximalideal: stream and mountain
maximalideal: Up Close
maximalideal: Spikey
maximalideal: Fuzzy
maximalideal: Documenting Titanic
maximalideal: Titanic or Lord of the Cacti
maximalideal: Saguaro overlooking the desert
maximalideal: Fortress on a Hill
maximalideal: Mathematicians in the Desert
maximalideal: the picture I should have taken
maximalideal: Saguaro
maximalideal: The Bus