maxette: Interior of the train -double deck
maxette: View of the living room
maxette: Prevent birds from perching
maxette: Apartment bedroom
maxette: Apartment bed
maxette: Tiny and very steep stairs in the apartment
maxette: Comfy living room
maxette: A complete kitchen
maxette: Home cooked meal in Amsterdam
maxette: Dutch 3 wheelers
maxette: 1 of the windmills in Amsterdam City
maxette: New ministry building
maxette: New estate in Amsterdam
maxette: Sea gulls perching
maxette: Modern estate - IJhaven
maxette: Newer estate in Amsterdam - IJhaven
maxette: Modern bridge @ IJhaven
maxette: Newer estate in Amsterdam @ IJhaven
maxette: Newer estate in Amsterdam
maxette: Dutch Mini
maxette: Interior of the Mini
maxette: Kids@Playground
maxette: Kids on the swing
maxette: Kids@Play
maxette: Floating flower market on the right DHR
maxette: Street beside flower market HDR
maxette: Flower stall
maxette: Many choices
maxette: Cactus in winter?
maxette: Can i help?