maveric2003: Dave and Joe
maveric2003: The face of intimidation
maveric2003: Dave
maveric2003: I get a taste of my own medicine
maveric2003: Sara & Crystal practicing
maveric2003: The hook did it, I tell you!
maveric2003: Crystal
maveric2003: Chillin'
maveric2003: All rise..
maveric2003: The competition..
maveric2003: This is Chipper Properties.
maveric2003: Crystal Opening
maveric2003: IMG_0070
maveric2003: Hastings direct exam of plaintiff
maveric2003: Dave attacks
maveric2003: Mr. Cook, do you recall taking a deposition in this case?
maveric2003: Hastings guy is persuaded by Dave
maveric2003: I never stipulated to this, your honor.
maveric2003: Rian Green direct
maveric2003: See, the contract says it right here, "as is"!
maveric2003: Sara gets cross-examined
maveric2003: Dave and Joe
maveric2003: IMG_0083
maveric2003: Dave's Closing
maveric2003: Tip loading, I swear!
maveric2003: Chief Judge Waldsmith, Hastings Round
maveric2003: That's it, guys! Show no mercy!
maveric2003: Sara's Opening
maveric2003: Round 2 vs. Team Reents
maveric2003: My life has never been the same since the two ton hoist came crashing down onto my back.