maux_duane: from the parking lot in Torla
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: we did the Cola de Caballo hike (or a bit of it)
maux_duane: profile of our hike
maux_duane: all if the many things you cannot do here.
maux_duane: apparently you are not to touch anything
maux_duane: no ? jumping off cliffs with sheets tied to your back?
maux_duane: no spelunking
maux_duane: no touching cows, or waving at them. we weren't sure.
maux_duane: big person, little tent
maux_duane: ouch!
maux_duane: this sign seems more suggestive than anything else. or perhaps this hiker is just wishing they'd brought that stuff along.
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: 1st waterfall, and our turn-around point
maux_duane: other side of the river valley from where we were hiking
maux_duane: the trail
maux_duane: trailside forest
maux_duane: park views
maux_duane: park views - awesomeness abounds
maux_duane: can you see the inch worm?
maux_duane: park views - awesomeness abounds
maux_duane: park views - awesomeness abounds
maux_duane: landmark
maux_duane: park views - awesomeness abounds