maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: there are 13 geese in the courtyard, apparently because St. Eulalia was 13 when she was martyred
maux_duane: courtyard
maux_duane: afflac!
maux_duane: courtyard
maux_duane: courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: off the courtyard
maux_duane: view of the choir
maux_duane: alter
maux_duane: in the nave
maux_duane: stained glass in the nave
maux_duane: wood carvings
maux_duane: wood and stone
maux_duane: in the choir
maux_duane: view towards alter from choir
maux_duane: choir seats
maux_duane: Choir
maux_duane: very tall modern building on the left in the horizon is Jim's office building
maux_duane: i never found out what building the tall one on the right is. cool tho.
maux_duane: bell tower
maux_duane: rooftop view (Sagrada Familia at far right)
maux_duane: tower
maux_duane: old bell for the lift