maux_duane: I think someone is falling over there....overall tho, injury count was low for 5+ hours of dancing.
maux_duane: Betsy is thinking - who invited this guy?
maux_duane: Everyone has their drunk face, and mine is, without fail, sticking out the tongue. Why? I have no idea.
maux_duane: Screw dancing. Let's play four square. Service!!!
maux_duane: Just behind the dancers, was the four-square court. This was a mixed-use event.
maux_duane: Dance dance dance. and then, just when you think it is safe to quit - dance some more.
maux_duane: Oh, Travis. The air guitar?
maux_duane: I wish I could remember what song this was. Def Leppard maybe?
maux_duane: Dancing til 3am, uh-huh.
maux_duane: Put the beer down before dancing!
maux_duane: As Azure and Jen contemplate their next dance moves, Travis makes a last minute appearance.
maux_duane: Assistant DJs (Jim and Krusty)
maux_duane: I see a pattern....Travis likes being in pictures, esp with the ladies.
maux_duane: A view of the dancefloor...(press play)
maux_duane: Azure is the best dancer. Ever. End of story.
maux_duane: Basking in Azure glory.
maux_duane: Azure draws a "bar" dancing following. Many try, but we all fail to touch her brilliance.
maux_duane: Best dancer ever? Yup. and here's the proof!
maux_duane: The hangover hiking club - Three Finger Jack (Oregon Cascades)
maux_duane: facebook profile picture for Jim, take 1
maux_duane: obligatory jaunty-angle photo, featuring Jim Shur
maux_duane: Amy and Holly
maux_duane: Gals on the mountain
maux_duane: It's a Terry on the mountain!
maux_duane: Julie P
maux_duane: Terry, Peter, Jim, Holly
maux_duane: Amy, Terry, Peter, Jim, Holly
maux_duane: yeah, check me out.
maux_duane: striking a pose, as ordered.
maux_duane: striking a pose, as ordered.