mausboam: Elk at Biebrza
mausboam: twin-spot carpet
mausboam: 10499 Eilema sororcula, Orange Footman
mausboam: Camberwell Beauty
mausboam: Adder
mausboam: Adder, detail of body
mausboam: Adder, detail of head
mausboam: Kuźnice and the High Tatra from the slopes of Nosal
mausboam: Visit to Poland May 2012
mausboam: The Mosque at Kruszyniany
mausboam: The Mosque at Kruszyniany
mausboam: 08969 Euclidia glyphica, Burnet Companion
mausboam: Elasmucha ferrugata, Bilberry Shieldbug
mausboam: Leucorrhina sp. (f), white-faced dragonfly
mausboam: Leucorrhina sp. (f), white-faced dragonfly
mausboam: Map Butterfly
mausboam: Map Butterfly
mausboam: Four-spotted Chaser
mausboam: Downy Emerald
mausboam: Yellow-spotted Emerald
mausboam: Yellow-spotted Emerald
mausboam: Orange Tip (m)
mausboam: There are Bears in the woods