mauroscaccophotography: Rome 18, Media pressure, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome,centro4, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome,2 leica m cron 35 8 elements
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, no title, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: 2019-12-29-0011
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Young painters, leica IIf summitar, acros fuji 100
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People 2, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People 21, leica IIf elmar 50 f3,5
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People 22, leica IIf elmar 50 f3,5
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People 28, leica IIf elmar 50 f3,5
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People2, leica IIf elmar 50 f3,5
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, La Douce Vie, leica m cron 35 - 8 el
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Coffee-break, leica III summar 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 3 no title, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 4 Photoshop 2009, leica m flektogon 20 mm f4 with adapter
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 3 no title, leica IIIg summicron 50 1o type collapsible
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 2 no title, leica m cron 35 - 8 elements (2)
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, People, leica m cron 35 - 8 elements
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Ice Cream, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, La Giostra, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, no title, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 16 no title, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 13 no title, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, The Joker, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, The Nun, leica m cron 50
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Sadness, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, no title, leica m summaron 35
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Christmas Days, leica m cron 35 - 8 elements
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, Homeless, leica m cron 50 wetzlar
mauroscaccophotography: Rome, 6 People, leica m cron 50 wetzlar