maureen_g: Pelican
maureen_g: Figbird (male)
maureen_g: Wallaby with joey
maureen_g: Whistling Kite
maureen_g: Blue-faced Honeyeater
maureen_g: Blue-faced Honeyeaters
maureen_g: Flight
maureen_g: tree
maureen_g: Galah
maureen_g: Australian King Parrot - male
maureen_g: Dusky Moorhen
maureen_g: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
maureen_g: Just a goose!
maureen_g: Brown Honeyeater
maureen_g: Apostlebird
maureen_g: Pied Butcherbird - Cracticus nigrogularis
maureen_g: Pheasant Coucal (I think!)
maureen_g: Noisy Friarbird
maureen_g: Welcome swallow - juvenile
maureen_g: Variegated Fairy-wren
maureen_g: Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
maureen_g: Varied Triller - female
maureen_g: Blue-faced Honeyeater
maureen_g: Fiery sunset
maureen_g: Crested pigeon
maureen_g: Windy weather at the beach!
maureen_g: Windy weather at the beach!
maureen_g: Masked Lapwing - aka Spur-winged Plover
maureen_g: Black-winged Stilt
maureen_g: I'm just minding my own business!!!