maura: sad lol :(
maura: lots of graffiti
maura: lots of graffiti
maura: lots of graffiti
maura: photo.jpg
maura: the line forms to the left
maura: the eternal question regarding dudes
maura: uh, no.
maura: snippy snippy
maura: ingrid lovers vs. ingmar lovers
maura: wait, how did they know???
maura: foiled again
maura: so not gonna happen
maura: violent students
maura: tv/donut
maura: the beginnings of a funny band name?
maura: i love sean / i hate sean
maura: oops
maura: welcome to the men's room
maura: welcome to the women's room
maura: everyone just graffitis URLs now
maura: sparkle motion: slum city
maura: beavis lives
maura: fuck a duck!
maura: please don't do coke IN THE BATHROOM!
maura: x x
maura: I prefer boys w/ an accent
maura: D.C. vs. Austin?
maura: someone's getting mad!